Time capsule letter to myself, the birthday girl

Hello, honey.Today is our birthday. We have A LOT to celebrate. And since birthdays are perfect timing for reflection, for taking stock, I wanted to write to you with a hint of what’s ahead, a reminder of what’s worth considering.So to you, 30 years ago, I say this:Relax more. It will never all get done anyway.Know that the dog hair in your future will never be totally gone from your furniture or your clothing. It’s okay.When you first realize that a relationship isn’t working, it’s okay to jump ship and change your entire life. Your happiness is worth it. Your happiness is everything.Understand that you can’t fix anyone else. Only yourself. So just let that shit go.Invest in your love of learning. It doesn’t have to be in a traditional classroom once college is over. Learning will keep you interested and interesting for the rest of your life.Don’t save the pretty dishes, the best candles or the most delicious smelling bath salts for the right moment. The right moment is right now. Use them with abandon and abundance.Don’t ever be lured into a living situation that leaves you “house poor.” There are many homes that you can and will be happy in. The most expensive ones are rarely the best ones. Leave yourself some wiggle room and mad money.Splurge on your creative mind. Buy the beautiful paintbrush you want. Go ahead and get the leather bound journal. Collect books that inspire you and challenge your mind. And enjoy all of them thoroughly.Meditate every day. Twice a day when you can swing it. Learn how as soon as you can.Surround yourself with what and who you love. Don’t waste time on anything or anyone else.Stop biting your nails.Vacuuming is cheaper than therapy, has less calories than booze and will always help you relax.Enjoy your body. Your dysmorphia is behind those evil voices in your brain. You look great and there will come a day when you will wish for the body you have right now.All of the guys your mom warns you about? Listen to her. She knows more than you think she does and has your best interests at heart.Remember the one battle worth fighting every single day is the war against your expectations. Slay those dragons and put them out with the weekly trash. Be vigilant. They tend to recur on you like green peppers and onions.Go outside more. Especially at night. You have always loved the stars. They will be a good reminder of constancy and the smallness of your place in the Universe.Don’t worry about those vitamins. They don’t do much for you. But probiotics? Start taking those babies as soon as you get done reading this list.When you hate your job, quit. When you love your job, rejoice and be thankful. Your work will provide you with pattern and stability during many turning points in your life.Read The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday once a year.Don’t be embarrassed that your mom is your best friend. She is amazing. And will still be your best friend for a long, long time. But you can stop dressing like her any minute now.Be as natural as you can in all things -- eating, medical care, exercise, dressing, make-up application. You will be glad later. There is an elegance to this approach that wears well as the years pass.Your authenticity is the one consistent and constant gift you have to share with the world. Embrace it. Live it. Shine with it.Just because you’ve had teachers tell you that you aren’t good at math or science doesn’t mean you cannot understand them. It only means that they couldn’t teach it in a way that you could learn and comprehend. You are much smarter than you realize.Just because you’ve had a music director tell you that you can’t sing well doesn’t mean you are destined to howl at the moon every time you open your mouth. Relax, take a few lessons and find your voice. It’s there and it’s lovely. The world needs to hear it.Being kind matters much more than being right.Finding someone who really listens is like discovering a rare orchid bloom. Be one of those people.Always keep your passport updated.Don’t worry about all of the people who talk about traveling light. This is not necessary or even comprehensible. Abundance in all things.Hire a cleaning lady as soon as you can afford it. It is a luxury beyond compare.Get a puppy.Get a kitten.Skip the fish tank and settle for house plants.Laugh as much as you can. And find the irony and humor in every situation possible. It’s almost always possible.There is healing in the dirt and in the Earth. Get your bare hands and feet in it every day.Boundaries are the most important thing you can give yourself.Don’t rush. The best things take time and noticing. You can’t notice anything when you are rushing around like a madwoman. Slow down!Busy is the worst word in the English language. Never give that as an answer when someone asks how you are. Busy is not a badge of honor or a wall to hide behind.Champagne is almost always a good idea. Second only to a new bathrobe.You have a gift for interior design hiding inside of you. Lean into it. You will find the path of your soul as you pursue your career. It is blindingly beautiful and you will be astounded at what you find along the way. Trust me.But most of all, trust yourself. Your intuition is strong and true.As a final note, you know that plaque that says, “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” They could have made that saying for you. So go for it. As it turns out, you cannot fail. And I happen to know.Love,MeP.S. Thank you to the wonderful writer and blogger, Patrick Hamilton for giving me the idea and inspiration to write this letter to myself.


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