Dinner party in our sanctuary

When we open the doors of our home, the gift that we give ourselves becomes a gift to others as well.This past weekend, I threw a dinner party at our house. There were six of us and I picked an easy menu so I could enjoy my day and not spend hours cooking. It was fun. I haven’t entertained in a while. The faster life moves and the harder I run through my days at the studio, the less I feel like doing the work having people over entails. But I’ve had a long break from entertaining and it felt festive to buy flowers, plan the menu, set the table.We all have different ways of nurturing people. One of the ways I nurture others is through cooking for them. I love seeing smiling faces around my dinner table, enjoying the food I prepared with my own hands, enjoying the conversation and the atmosphere. And I take the atmosphere seriously. I am always aware that I am inviting my guests right into my own sanctuary: my inner sanctum sanctorum.It probably won’t surprise you to hear that I take great care to prepare before my guests arrive – sweeping the floors, straightening the artwork, putting out fresh candles and trimming the wicks, freshening my potted plants and misting their leaves. It always takes me a few hours, even though my house is small. When I’m done, I’m convinced that my sanctuary smiles at me. It glows with the love and intention I’ve poured into it. When I see this, something in me settles down and I feel happy that I’m getting ready to share the loving energy of my space.At one point during the evening I looked around to see everyone laughing, the candles were casting a soft glow all around us and I could almost feel the hum of the space as it cradled each of us lovingly in its arms. It was one of those moments I mention where life pauses for a moment and you can hear the click as your mind snaps a picture so that you will remember long after the moment has passed. It was a sanctuary moment. And it was worth it.The next morning I padded into the kitchen for a cup of tea and some Excedrin to ease the slight throbbing in my head (that last glass of wine always seems like such a good idea at the time) and my eyes lighted on the coral colored roses in the new vase I just found. They will continue to grace my counter with beauty all week. The aftermath of entertaining – maybe a little pain, but an extra dose of beauty and a heart full of gratitude for the people who broke bread with me last night.The way I see it, our relationship with our home becomes an infinite circle of nurturing and care. I pour my energy into my sanctuary, it pours energy back into me. I give of myself to this place, and I am nurtured in return. In that way it is truly mine.Sanctuary is a way of truly possessing our space. Of being here, now. Of being mindful. Present. And what better gift than that to share with those we love?With gratitude,Lisa


Time capsule letter to myself, the birthday girl


The side effects of sanctuary