Why Sanctuary

Why do you need to find a sanctuary? I can only answer from my own experience: I need a sanctuary because it’s crazy out there. But in my sanctuary, it isn’t.So, I guess I’d say, I need sanctuary because it’s a slice of sanity, my slice of sanity. It’s my safety net when I feel myself falling.Out there (which is everywhere but in my sanctuary), I wonder sometimes if I'm ever really calling the shots. Work times? It’s a client, a schedule. Family? Life obligations? Many times others are in control there, too.But in my sanctuary? It’s me. I’m the one. I have the chance to make the decision about what I want to do, how I want to relax, what I want to create.My sanctuary is where I can just be myself. I can let it all go, say anything, do anything. The choice is mine.It’s where I return to remember who I am.Welcome to Finding Sanctuary. I hope it inspires you to find yours.With appreciation,Lisa


The clearing


The resonance of sanctuary