The resonance of sanctuary

Have you heard of “sympathetic resonance?” Don’t worry if you haven’t – I hadn’t heard of it either. But it's a rock-solid physical principle that demonstrates something extraordinary about our environments.My husband is a musician and he brought the idea of sympathetic resonance to me. It's a simple but fascinating phenomenon of energy, physics and acoustics.It starts with two tuning forks - the kind they use to tune pianos. They vibrate at a very specific frequency when struck.If two of them are close together and one of them is struck, then the second one will start humming automatically -- on it's own.If you silence one of the forks with your hand, and then release it, it will pick up the frequency from the other fork and start resonating again.Do you see the potential magic here?This is what our sanctuaries can do for us. When we intentionally create a sacred space for ourselves, we infuse it with our energy, with the resonance of our highest, purest self. This surrounding then resonates along with us, just like in the example of the pair of tuning forks. But when the hum of our personal energy is silenced or dimmed by stress, frustration, and worry, our sanctuary, still blissfully resonating, shares the music of our soul back with us. It reminds us of who we really are.When we enter our sanctuary feeling out-of-sorts or unhappy, our spirit will pick up the “music” and resonance of this special, sacred space – the very same positive, intentional energy we instilled in it when we created it.I told you it was magic. But such a simple, logical, everyday kind of magic. I found it ironic to stumble upon this truth and then to realize I’ve already been doing this for years – I just didn’t know what to call it.So tell me, do you have a space that lifts you up when you need it? Tell me about it in the comment section below – I’m collecting sanctuary stories and I would be so honored to hear yours.With appreciation,Lisa


Why Sanctuary


My own search for sanctuary