Twelve Holiday Truths

I thought I would take a moment and share twelve holiday truths that have become clear to me this holiday season. Some of them are funny, and some a little poignant. 

  1. There’s no doubt that health-care professionals are the heroes of 2020. A close second  in my book are the grocery and alcohol delivery people (although I don’t appreciate the judge-y looks I’ve been getting lately from the Total Wine guy -- Dude, mind your own business). 
  2. We’ve all dreamed of having a blissful holiday where we have no obligations. Now all of the sudden we have no obligations, and the world is a funny, crazy, lonely place.
  3. My needs have simplified. In 2019 my favorite holiday footwear was my beloved suede Stuart Weitzman boots. This year, all I need are my fuzzy bunny slippers (and as it turns out, BONUS—they are good for dog walks as well). 
  4. My husband has never been so cooperative in putting up holiday decorations and listening to holiday music. Who knew it would take a pandemic to soften his inner Grinch?
  5. Pandemic pounds are one thing. Pandemic holiday pounds are slightly more terrifying. All I want for Christmas is a muumuu. 
  6. We’ve lived in the same house for 11 years. Who knew our neighbors were such nice people?! We’ve finally been home long enough to meet them. If you’re reading this Lona, I love the wreaths you put on your windows. 
  7. Who would have guessed that spending so much time apart would cause us to appreciate the deep value of human connection so keenly? I miss hugging. 
  8. In considering what I want for Christmas, I find myself wishing I could travel back in time to last Christmas so I could ask for Netflix and Zoom stock.
  9. Who needs a new holiday tie or a dress? This year we get to wear our Christmas jammies for 96 hours straight. Blessing or curse? You decide. 
  10. All of the sudden the holiday baking I haven’t done for the last seven or eight years sounds appealing and feels fun. However, refer back to #5.
  11. We know that dogs are humans’ best friends. This year, they’ve actually been our emotional support system. With the absence of loved ones at our holiday table, I’m considering setting them a place. Alpo on blue and white china, anyone?
  12. I’ve never realized how little is required in order to have a holiday. Give me a few candles, a jug of eggnog, some take-out food and a strand of lights. Boom! No seriously, it doesn’t take all of the trappings I spend so much time procuring each year. It’s been a great reminder to me of what is true and important and how much simpler the holidays can be. 

So in this most amazing year, Philip and I would like to wish you and your loved ones a holiday season filled with sanctuary. May there be peace in all of our hearts. And if you have a few holiday reflections yourself, I would love to hear. Share them in the comments below.

With love and gratitude,


P.S. I didn't get to mention it, but my most favorite journal of all time just went up for sale on our Finding Sanctuary Shop! Check it out here.


If I Had a Crystal Ball


Sometimes we're not OK