The Truest Luxury

A few weeks ago I began to write about something that has been on my mind since I was a child, but that I have only begun to consciously consider and research within the past few years - the idea of Sanctuary.

When I began to delve into it, Sanctuary was one of those ideas that I had trouble defining. I knew it when I experienced it, I knew how to create it, but I had no idea how to describe it. After a lot of thinking, writing, and soul-searching, I began to clearly see what it was that makes a space a Sanctuary. One of the first elements that came to my mind is that of a sense of luxury.

Luxury Defined

My firm caters to clients with a very fine sense of luxury. I’ve created countless instances of luxurious surroundings, in each bedroom, each kitchen, dressing room, wine room, and (in one case) present wrapping room. I strive to bring elements of luxury to each space in each home. One thing I’ve learned, however, is that luxury is envisioned differently by each client. So what is luxurious to everyone, all the time?

The dictionary definition begins “the state of great comfort”, and I believe that offers a clue. True luxury is not, in itself, a thread count, nor a rare species of wood, nor a precious metal. It’s not a particular view or locale. It’s deeper than that.

I believe the truest luxury is exquisite self care.

I believe that a Sanctuary is a place where we can experience that deep self care. A place where we are nurtured — body, mind, and spirit. A place where we can connect again with our center, those things that are truly vital to us. A place where we can create with abandon, or meditate in peace, or pray, commune with nature, or a million other things. A place that enlivens our senses, delights our intellect, and brings well-being to our spirit.

This is what Sanctuary means to me, and I have lots of examples to share in upcoming posts.

I’d really love to hear about your Sanctuary experiences - those special places in your home, in your life, that give you that sense of exquisite self care.




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