The Little Things

I woke this morning (as I have many mornings lately) with a feeling of stress and worry. I went outside and walked my dogs under a starlit sky and watched the day be born. Such hope in a sunrise. Much to my delight, when I opened the door, I felt coolness in the air. 56 degrees this time of year is a gift in Florida. We’re already back into the mid to high 80’s every day. I opened the doors and windows after our walk and let the fresh, clean air sweep through the house like it swept through my mind earlier. 

It feels like everything is moving in slow motion these days. With the coronavirus lurking out there, situations change by the minute and yet time drags by so slowly. I’ve never experienced anything quite like it. Maybe it’s the pervasive anxiety that is just everywhere. My guess is that you are feeling it too. 

Wanting to feel better and finish shedding that anxious feeling, I sat down to make a list of what is true. 

At this moment, I am healthy.

At this moment, I have everything I need in terms of shelter and food — my basic needs are met.

At this moment, I am surrounded by the peace of sanctuary when I’m home and when I’m at my office. 

At this moment, there is a little bird singing his heart out in the tree outside my back door. 

At this moment, everything is okay.

I understand now why Julia Cameron said to approach the pages in our journal or our notebook as a place to show up, to rest, to pray. Today I am praying for a healthy life, a healthy community, a healthy planet. I am showing up to the page this morning, working to discard the worry I brought with me and feeling grateful for what is good right now. 

Did I mention how thankful I am that you are on this journey with me?

In this spirit, we are offering a special Finding Sanctuary Journal for sale. We have a limited supply, but we’ll offer them until that supply runs out. I opened a cupboard yesterday, saw them sitting there and realized that these need to be in the hands of people who will fill them with thoughts, prayers and intentions. 

I have more ideas for Sanctuary Tools and will be featuring them in upcoming blogs and in our new Facebook group, the Sanctuary Collective. Join us there if you haven’t already. It’s such a fun, vibrant community of likeminded people, all interested in using the tenets of sanctuary to keep living their best life, even during challenging times. 

At this moment, everything is okay. And we’re doing this together. 

With love and gratitude,



Pandemic Survival Gear: Mobile Sanctuary


Why should we create sanctuary and what does it mean anyway?