How will you choose to spend your moments?

A few days ago I was driving to complete an errand in the middle of a busy day. I glanced out my passenger window and happened to notice an empty field, wide open and sunlit, close to downtown. Something inspired me pull over.

I stood next to my car staring out at what was essentially a meadow, covered in grass and dotted with oak trees and a few palms. A cool breeze swayed the branches and rustled the leaves of the oaks. Dragonflies darted over the grass and a handful of tiny butterflies like airborne confetti played over a small patch of blooming wildflowers. My whole life slipped away from me for a moment and a separate reality seeped in.

In that moment I saw my life differently than I always have. 

I realized this: I am not my goals, my priorities, or even the expectations that I and others have placed upon me. 

I have only one choice to make: how to spend the precious moments I have left on this planet. This is the only choice I’ve ever had. 

My to-do lists didn’t vanish. My goals didn’t disappear. But my priorities are subtly rearranging themselves in this new light.

I want my life to be more alive. I want to live and breathe in communion with the people I love, in places that fill my spirit to overflowing. I want to vibrate with love and with the life-affirming energy of sanctuary. I want to make each moment even more worthwhile, and ripe with meaning. 

This is how I want to live. This is the choice of which I want to be continually conscious. This is how I want to spend my time.

What an amazing gift it is to be able to choose how we will spend our moments. How will you spend yours? What will you choose?

With love and appreciation,



Finding Sanctuary for Yourself


Sanctuary and Sustainability