New Beginnings for Sanctuary

We might have been a little quiet over here, but there has been no shortage of activity. We’ve been so excited to share our news and progress with you, but we’re still a little preliminary. Want in on our secret? It’s time for new beginnings. New chapters.

We are merging our brands — our design firm (Lisa Kahn Designs) and Finding Sanctuary. This might sound like rather bland news to read but I promise you, it’s revolutionary in our world. As of June 1, 2022, we will launch our rebrand of Finding Sanctuary by Lisa Kahn Designs. We are bringing the message of sanctuary more deeply and intentionally to our design work and the freshness of interior design to the industry of wellness and well-being on the Finding Sanctuary side. In our minds, the two have always been interconnected, but to the outside eye we have held them as separate brands. No longer!

What this represents is a harmonic convergence of not just the two brands, but also our work, our message, our thinking, our offerings and our own way of moving around in the world. We are stretching and expanding to BE MORE, share more, offer more. There is so much to come — I simply cannot wait to continue to share it all with you.

But for now, trust that we are deep in website edits, strategic planning, dreaming and abundant thinking.

Just to keep the concerns at bay: we are going to continue with our design work and continue teaching the world about ways to find sanctuary for themselves. We will still write our blog, offer classes and sell the world’s most delicious candles. But stay tuned for so much more!

In the meantime, it’s Memorial Day weekend and in keeping with the post theme of new beginnings, Lisa is cleaning out her closet (lord have mercy there was a lot stuffed in there) and Philip is grilling up lamb chops and pouring champagne. We just got the news that he was accepted into Leadership Collier next year — hooray! If there is one thing we love, it’s being deeply involved and supportive of our local community here in Naples, Florida.

So blessed. So beautiful. This is our life as we continue to find sanctuary in more and more ways every day. Thank you for being on this journey with us. It’s only going to get better! Wishing you and yours a restful and inspiring holiday weekend.

With love and gratitude,

Lisa & Philip


Sanctuary Brings Resilience


Finding Sanctuary for Yourself