The Blog All About Sanctuary
How will you choose to spend your moments?
A few days ago I was driving to complete an errand in the middle of a busy day. I glanced out my passenger window and happened to notice an empty field, wide open and sunlit, close to downtown. Something inspired me pull over.
Sanctuary and Sustainability
The concept of sustainability is one that Iām hearing more and more about. In fact, as you read this, I will have finished speaking as part of a panel discussion at the High Point Furniture Market on this very subject just the day before. But what does it really mean exactly? Let me share with you what it means to me.
Finding Sanctuary in the Tub
When I was young my mom took a bath every single night. It was her sanctuary.
What is sanctuary and how do we find it
Recently I was asked: what is sanctuary and how do we actually find it?