Where does it hurt?

Did you ever say something you didn't plan to say, but then immediately realize how deep and how true it is?I had one of those moments two nights ago when I was a guest speaker on a webinar that my friend Maia Toll was hosting. I was talking about the sort of people who are drawn to creating a sanctuary for themselves, and I said:

Our sanctuaries are our soul's response to the deeply painful parts of our lives.

I realized at once how true that is. When I considered it after the webinar, I realized that my own sanctuary was created in the pain of my divorce, of grappling with mothering a special-needs child, and of feeling inadequate as a mother. I was simply reaching for a way just to feel better, and the idea of sanctuary, my sanctuary, came out of that.It was only when I could spend some time bandaging up the wounds in my own heart that I could see my life more clearly, without the blinding haze that emotional pain inflicted upon my clarity. I could come to grip with the raw facts of my life, but only once I had performed the necessary healing upon my heart.I am not a victim of my circumstances. But when in the grip of turbulence it's easy to feel like one. My sanctuary helped me sew myself back together, and it was only after I had done that that I could start using my sanctuary as a catalyst for my growth.Sanctuary is for healing first. Then growth. That is how sanctuary works.In truth, that is how WE work.So let me ask you: where does it hurt? What wounds are you carrying around, and how can you find that place of sanctuary where you can begin to heal?When you are ready to create a sanctuary of your own, help is just a few clicks away. Everything I've written in Finding Sanctuary is created with that idea in mind.A great place to start are these three articles:

Consider them to be your introduction to creating a little peace around you, and inspiring a little peace within.And if you're ready to take the next step, I have a class that I've just completed called Seven Days to Sanctuary that takes you step-by-step through the process.If you'd like to know more about my story, you will want to read My own search for sanctuary.And if you just need a few encouraging words, reach out on Facebook, Instagram, or in the comments below. I am always eager to hear from you, and I ALWAYS have some encouragement to share.Wishing you every good thing,Lisa


How to find the hidden gems within


It's time to create YOUR sanctuary