Springing Forward

Happy Spring. It’s that magical moment of fresh beginnings and new growth. As we all look at what we are leaving behind from the cold winter and considering what we want to flower in the coming months, I fall back on my love of lists. I’m going to share mine with you in hopes that you will share yours back with me.

Here is a list of what I hope to nurture in myself:

  • Presence in all of the moments, both big and small
  • Gratitude for the gifts and blessings that grace my days
  • Appreciation for the transformation that has been part of the last twelve months
  • Excitement about moving forward in the world in a new way
  • Resilience that comes from my daily sanctuary practices and gives me fortitude to handle life’s challenges.

I have some wonderful things in store for this next twelve months that I can’t wait to share with you. Thank you for being part of this vibrant community and for sharing a few minutes of your Sunday mornings with me.

With love and gratitude,



A New World


Divine Ordinariness