Sanctuary’s Time Has Come

Last week I was in High Point, North Carolina for the furniture show. It was fun, as usual, and this market had the additional feature of being the official launch of our Sanctuary Collection by Lisa Kahn for Chelsea House. We have been busy bees, designing accent furniture, mirrors, artwork, accessories and lighting over the past couple of years and it was such a delight to see it all come together in this luminous moment! There were panel discussions, presentations, video interviews and a big launch party. I was over the moon with happiness (and if you were there, you know that this was a literal thing since several of our pieces feature la luna).

What was the impetus behind our collection?

Sanctuary, of course. You know in my world, everything comes back to sanctuary. I conceived of a lot of these pieces during the COVID lockdown days and my goal was to create a collection that could facilitate people creating spaces of sanctuary for themselves. There are writing desks to support journaling and creative pursuits, bookshelves to hold our books and treasures, boxes and bowls and even a board to go across the bathtub that can hold your candle and a cup of tea. Is there any sanctuary better than a bathtub full of steamy water fragrant with essential oils? It’s one of my favorites.

Everyday when I went back to our rental house, my feet would ache from standing all day but my heart was full of so much gratitude and hope.

There was one moment in the week of festivities that really stood out to me. And I wanted to share it with you because it is so significant that it gave me one of those great pauses — the kind where the world stops spinning for a few minutes and I have to just sit in wonder.

I was on a panel discussion that was part of a day-long Science and Design Symposium with a wonderful designer from California and also a medical doctor from San Antonio, Texas. The medical doctor specializes in rehabilitation from brain injuries and had such a fascinating take on the way that our spaces impact our recovery and our everyday health. You know that I have been talking about this for so many years — it was music to my ears to hear someone like her agreeing with this part of my message of sanctuary and wellbeing.

She added that recently the CDC has released the five markers of good health and longevity and that their list features…get this…THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT.

I stared in shock when she said it.

It’s not that I was surprised.

I know this to be true from my own experience. But that the Center for Disease Control is coming out publicly to make this bold and beautiful statement is nothing short of remarkable. And while they CDC is primarily concerned with the important aspects of safe drinking water, neighborhoods free from violence, access to clean air, and sanitary waste disposal—obviously each one vitally important—the recognition that our built environment is a factor in our wellbeing is a corner turned, a milestone crossed.

Add to this the scientific research coming out that shows how having a view of nature helps our body heal faster, and that live plants add so much more than just additional oxygen, including reduced stress levels, elevated mood, and increased productivity and ability to focus.

Having science and the medical community step in with scientific proof of what we’ve been discussing for years now is profoundly gratifying. The sanctuary movement is finally getting its moment in the sun. I am so happy. It’s a moment of moments!

So yes, you and I may know that our environments affect our well-being on every level: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. But now even more people will know and we can talk about this to bigger audiences and larger crowds.

So what comes next?

I had a wonderful young man burst up to me after one of my presentations and ask when I would be publishing my book on sanctuary. I smiled at him. How did he know? It is one of my greatest aspirations to bring together a synthesis of design, science, philosophy and spirituality in a way that can be of use to anyone willing to read.

What do you think? Is it time? Is the world ready at last? It really seems like it. I am finishing my master’s degree in Philosophy and Religion in December. Perhaps that is my next step. What do you think? I’d love to hear. I may just need an encouraging word or two to embark on this next journey.

Wishing you a weekend filled with love, light and sanctuary.

With love and gratitude,



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