Sanctuary Slowdown

I don’t know how your summer is going over there but mine has been hectic thus far. The abundance of everything has had me running until I’m just about breathless. No real complaint, but when resting feels more like a fantasy than a regular event, I know that I’m dancing with imbalance again.  So I’ve been trying a new approach to the weekends.

The truth is I can always work more. There is always more to do — whether it’s at my design studio or at my house. The proliferation of projects is ever present and can always absorb more of my time, attention and effort.

The past two weekends I have put a hard stop on my work day at 5:00 on Friday. I’ve been committing to myself that I would not do anything that felt like work for a full 24 hours. If I can swing it, I try for 48 hours but that isn’t always realistic, so instead of putting yet another pressure on myself I just commit to 24. And amazingly, it’s really made a difference! I look forward to it. I dream during the week of the fun and relaxing things I will do with that one, wild and precious day. 

I’ve actually even started painting again! 

I was thinking about my sweet dogs and the way that, when I put up their cage at night, they eagerly climb inside, collapse into the dog bed or onto the towels and go to sleep. By putting them into that enclosure, their circle of influence shrinks down to that small area and because they don’t have to patrol the whole house to keep all of us safe, they give themselves up to the opportunity to rest. There is not much else for them to do in that little area, and they love it. They stand in line to get inside. 

All of the sudden, I understand how that feels! 

By setting boundaries around my weekend time, I am opening myself up to the beauty of rest, relaxation and creativity. I am restoring and filling my vessel. I am getting back to a sense of what’s really important. And what better place to nurture me and remind me and support me in my efforts than my sanctuary? 

I met with a potential employee this week and when she asked me what question sanctuary answers, I told her that I simply don’t know anyone who doesn’t want to feel better in some way. In some aspect of their life. We all have our points of pain, suffering, frustration and sanctuary as a place, a daily practice and a life philosophy gives us the structure we need to feel better. And when we feel better, we DO better. It’s so simple and yet so profoundly impactful. It never gets old. 

When we take the time to nurture the non-visible part of us, that light inside of us is strengthened. And that is the light we can then bring out into the world.

So with your one, wild and precious weekend — what will you do? I’d love to hear. Drop me a note. 

Sending you rest, love and Light,



It’s the Little Things


A New Dream for Sanctuary