Sanctuary Essentials: The Salt Lamp

It occurs to me that we all need tools to create sanctuary in the spaces we occupy at home and at work. There’s a reason I refer to my home as the Sanctuary Lab—I am experimenting with tools to create sanctuary all the time.

I want to tell you about a handful of items that just really create the most amazing sense of sanctuary, and I have so much to say about them that I think I’d better focus on one at a time. Ready for one of my favorites?

One tool is super easy to add to any space and has an immediate sanctuary effect: salt lamps.

Yes, I mean those lovely rosé-colored rough-hewn chunks of Himalayan salt, illuminated by a small incandescent lamp within.

Why do I love them? It comes down to a few simple truths.

First, their warm glow is reminiscent of the warmth of the hearth, of the red heart of the fire embers that have fed and warmed us for millennia. This is an archetype of ancient origin that symbolizes a place of gathering, of kin and family, of sharing and story, of sustenance and safety and rest.

Secondly, salt has a long history of being used in energetic cleansing. I have been told that bowls filled with salt water and placed at various spots around one’s home help keep the energy clear. Salt baths and salt scrubs are said to cleanse both the body and the soul. I have even read that some South American cultures have a tradition of sweeping the floor with salt to rid the home of unwanted energy. And certainly salt caves are ever popular. Salt lamps are a lovely way to invite all of that healing and cleansing potential into the places where we live and work.

How I use salt lamps in my sanctuary

When I wake up in the predawn hours, I tiptoe around my house and turn on the dozen or so salt lamps I have placed strategically in my rooms. I try not to wake the furry beasts or the human beasts until I’m done. It is as if I awaken the heartbeat of my house, my sanctuary. The beautiful warm glow of the salt lamps brings the house alive, and me with it.

Late in the evening, when I’m home from work and have all of the overhead lights off, my home aglow with salt lamps and candles, the spaces take on a soft luminescence that fills my home and my heart with a sense of peace, harmony and belonging.

I have a LOT of salt lamps scattered around. I’ve been collecting them for some time, so when I go around the house and turn them all on the effect is truly mesmerizing. But when I travel to someplace I’m going to be for a few days, like at a design project out of town, or going to spend the weekend with my son who lives a few hours north, I’ll throw a single salt lamp in my luggage to plug in at my destination. The effect, while a little more muted, is still very powerful. Sanctuary on the go.

I think it’s important to note that the small ones work just as well as the big ones in my experience. There are some really collossal lamps out there and they are beautiful. But the little ones allow more light to come through. Because they are smaller the lamp inside can light up the entire height of the salt, and the glow is just amazing.

Some of my favorite salt lamps

Natural Salt Lamp

This is my tried-and-true salt lamp. Most of the lamps I have are of this design. The craggy surface is so beautiful both when when it's off, and even more so with the light coming through. Plus I love the way that the unfinished shape of the salt brings some of the texture of nature inside, which is one of the key elements of creating sanctuary.

Teardrop Salt Lamp

This soft teardrop design is lovely. The gentle roundness softens the smoothness of its surface, so it feels contemporary without seeming cold.

Sphere Salt Lamp

These spheres are just gorgeous. I have a few of these and I just adore them.

No matter which of these you decide to get for yourself, you’re going to want some extra bulbs to keep the glow going.

More Sanctuary Essentials to come

I want to tell you about all of the sanctuary tools that I put to use at home, at work, and in the spaces I design, so I am going to make a series of Sanctuary Essentials posts like this one where I will share both the tool itself and how to put it to use.

So tell me–have you used salt lamps in your sanctuary? I would love to hear about your experience. Are you going to find some salt lamps and try them out? I want to hear every detail about how it goes.

With love and gratitude,



A New Dream for Sanctuary


The Sanctuary Solution