Sanctuary Bookshelf: inward

I am obsessed with yung pueblo and his book, titled inward.

A friend gave me this book right before the holidays and I find myself turning to it almost every time I sit down in my sanctuary.

Because I found it so inspiring, I thought I would share a couple of his writings here, hoping that maybe this tantalizing taste will motivate you to go buy a copy and treasure it for yourself.

self-love is personal evolution in action

I love this quote. I wrote that one on a sticky note to put on the mirror in my bathroom.

two things are true: people who truly know and love themselvescannot be hateful toward other people

the same way we are anchored and groundedby the earth, the earth is healed and nurturedby our unconditional love

To me, this is the poetry of an enlightened mind. I wish I could quote the entire book here for you but I will refrain. Okay, maybe just one more:

(Put a pic of the book cover in the post)

When chaos is all around youthe wisest choice is to createpeace within you

Is it any wonder I love these words? Yung may not know it yet, but we are going to need to meet at some point. For all of those games where I have been asked if I could host a dinner party with anyone I want in attendance — I guess you know who my next invitation is going to.

With love,



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