Mamas and Muumuus

It’s not every post that has a title as catchy as this one, and you may be wondering what mamas and muumuus have in common. Bear with me. I’ve been thinking about what I’ve learned in the past 12 months. Plus, as I mentioned earlier, I love lists. So let’s do this!

Twelve lessons for twelve months:

  1. Not being able to see and hug your Mama for a year is way, way too long. I never want to do that again.
  2. Dogs (and cats and horses and bunnies) can keep us from going insane when the world goes mad. Literally. Fingers in the fur, people.
  3. There is a fatigue so deep that a whole weekend of sleep cannot combat. I’m working on overcoming this one.
  4. A candle and the right music changes EVERYTHING for the better.
  5. We are not all going to agree. On anything. Ever.
  6. It doesn’t matter. We never have agreed. But love is still possible.
  7. Staying in your own lane is an art form.
  8. Bird feeders provide endless morning and weekend entertainment. Just today we had bunnies, ducks, mourning doves, grackles, blue birds and cardinals. You have to try it.
  9. You can get by without a manicure, pedicure or facial indefinitely. Hair is another issue entirely.
  10. You cannot have too many bathrobes. Or crystals. Or acts of thoughtfulness.
  11. Sanctuary really and truly works, as a practice and a life philosophy. It engenders a resilience that can propel us through the very darkest of times. I thought I had tested it before (through what felt like the fires of hell) but now I’m beyond ever questioning it again.
  12. There is nothing wrong with wearing a muumuu. They can even be stylish. Mrs. Roper had it right. Just add some bracelets, cute sandals and lipstick — you are ready for office, Zoom, dinner or a sassy dog walk.

And there you have it. Please share YOUR list with me. What have you learned in the past twelve months? I’m ready to read!

With love and gratitude (whilst wearing my muumuu and hugging my Mama),



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