Lisa's Life Hacks

Ways to Reconnect with Nature

We all need tips to master life so periodically I’ll share some of mine with you. 

Flower children of the ’60s and ’70s were really onto something with their back-to-nature/back-to-the-land movement. Fifty years later we are in the middle of a similar awakening, as people the world over are asking how we can better honor the planet we live on. We now know reconnecting with nature is imperative for a life well lived—for basic wellness. Especially since 90 percent of our lives are spent indoors!

So, what can we do short of the ’60s bee-keeping/vegetable-growing self-sustenance?


  • Take a walk. Take more than one. Start your day with a short walk to clear your head and breathe in fresh air. Get into the habit and the morning walk will be as vital a part of your morning routine as coffee. And try this radical thought: take another walk in the evening, when the hot summer sun has waned. I love starting and ending my day with these walks—my touchstones with the outdoors and the bookends for my day.
  • Have lunch outdoors. This affords a great dip into nature during the workday when it’s necessary to stay inside an office. I like to pick up a healthy bowl or wrap and eat my lunch at a favorite park. These excursions can be done with friends and colleagues but I recommend reserving some weekday picnics as solos. You can more attentively watch the butterflies dance as they pollinate the flowers when you’re alone than when you’re absorbed in conversation. Is there a bird sanctuary in your town? Take your lunch and a pair of binoculars there for a quiet reconnect with avian life in all its feathered majesty.
  • Kick off your shoes and sink your toes into the grass. This contact with earth is so important for wellness and well-being.
  • Let the sun warm your face. On your way to a mid-day meeting take a minute between rushing from one air-conditioned space to another and tilt your head up to really feel the sun’s warmth. Your meeting will feel more productive.
  • Open the windows in your home and allow fresh air to replace the stale climate-controlled air whenever the mercury and humidity aren’t too oppressive. Sleep with a window open and listen to the night sounds of nature as you fall asleep—peepers in the spring, crickets and cicadas in summer, owls and maybe foxes or larger mammals on the prowl, depending on where you live. Not only will you strengthen your relationship with nature, you will develop a more childlike excitement about life. Code: You will feel younger.

Once you begin rekindling your bond with nature, you’ll find a wealth of opportunities for interaction opening up. Will you take a minute to share some of those with me? We can all benefit from each other’s experiences. I’d love to hear from you.

With Gratitude,


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