Here's what teaching sanctuary taught me

For the past few days I’ve been co-hosting an online challenge, teaching about the connection between sanctuary and abundance. It’s been like a magical carpet ride — thrilling, elevating and beautiful beyond my wildest expectations. I have learned some ancient teachings from my friend and mentor Kisma, shared my inspiration and understanding of sanctuary and figured a few things out in the process. I am going to share some of them with you (plus you know I can’t resist making a list).

  1. The message of sanctuary is universal. It fits every size, every shape, every age, every person, everyone everywhere. That is so exciting! The sanctuary movement is well underway.
  2. Together, when we commune in love and in our understanding, we are more powerful than when we are apart. (Is it just me or did you just hear angels singing?)
  3. Lives can actually be transformed through social media. Stop and read that again. If that sounds ridiculous, I promise you it just happened. I witnessed it with my own eyes.
  4. Sanctuary is what I teach because it is what I most need to learn. Sharing my knowledge and understanding with you and anyone else who would like to listen is my sacred work in the world. It’s the best way I know for us to change our own lives for the better.
  5. Sanctuary is the embodiment of love in our environments. Yes. That.

So good, all of it. I learned all kinds of other wonderful things too and I’m still unpacking some of them.

As a result of the past few days, Kisma and I have decided to put together something off-the-charts incredible and utterly perfect for this year: an in-person Sanctuary Immersion Experience. We are going to have it at the stunning Sea Oats Estate on Captiva Island in Florida, which is a true sanctuary in every sense of the word. Where better to take a deep dive into learning how to create sanctuary and create more abundance in our lives? I was at a retreat on this estate last year and it was over-the-top beautiful.

So if you’re reading this and feel that soul call to sign up or find out more, you can click that link above or just reach out for me. Love to discuss it further. We’re only opening it to a small group. This is the first event of this kind and will be a deep dive into the shared knowledge that Kisma and I both have, an immersive experience where you not only LEARN about sanctuary but actually live it for a few days. This is an event that will inspire positive changes on every possible level. It’s time to clear out the chaos of the past year and a half. You will return to your daily life rested, refreshed, recharged and ready to establish that “new normal” we’ve all been seeking.

Sending out love to all of the fathers out there for a relaxing and happy Father’s Day. I am blowing kisses on the wind to my own dad, still missing him after all these years.

With love, sanctuary and gratitude,



You can do this.


Stillness is as stillness does