Grace notes for sanctuary seekers

I love inspiring and thought-provoking quotes. When I was younger, I voraciously read Alexandra Stoddard's writing on lifestyle, decorating and personal life philosophy. She inspired me to start journaling (thank you, Alexandra!). She had a habit of including quotes that she called "grace notes" at the bottom of the pages in her books. I enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed her writing. It felt like a treasure hunt, finding them down there, never sure what they were going to say. In fact, they ended up being so popular with her readers that she went on to publish a book called Grace Notes where she captured and shared them all. Delightful!

So in the spirit of Alexandra, I have been looking around for some inspiration lately and decided to start sharing a quote that I love each day on my Finding Sanctuary Facebook page and my Instagram account. The response has been wonderful. I know that not all of you are on social media, so I thought I would start sharing the week of quotes with you on Fridays as a retrospective of the week, thinking they might inspire you too. We've made them sharable, if you'd like to pass them along in an email, text or through your own social media. 

What quotes or affirmations inspire you? I'd love to hear. Share them with me in the comments below. Maybe we'll choose YOUR favorite quote to feature on one of our upcoming shares. 

Also, if you’re not part of the Sanctuary Collective, you might want to come join. There is such an abundance of joy and peace and gratitude in that group. It is truly becoming an oasis of sanctuary where we all need it most. I hope you’ll join us! Come join us today.

With love and gratitude,



Remarkable times require grace


Pandemic Survival Gear: Mobile Sanctuary