Finding the others

There is an expansive, light-filled house on Captiva Island, one of Florida’s barrier islands in the Gulf of Mexico. Captiva is remote, quiet, and exquisitely beautiful.

In this house there is a room with large windows overlooking the water where porpoises and manatees swim, with the undeveloped beauty of Buck Key Preserve in the distance. Women from all over the country are gathered in that room creating art, journaling, learning, listening, sharing, and supporting one another. 

The first Sanctuary and Abundance Retreat is in full swing.

Lisa’s years of research and experimentation along with months of preparation for this event are bearing fruit. She relayed to me last night how everyone’s hearts are open, how much love is in the room, and how our participants are getting into the deeper aspects of sanctuary because they’re able to experience if for themselves, right there in person.

Seth Godin says, “Find the others.” This is how movements start. This one is growing in strength and momentum right now. And as we start preparing for our next sanctuary retreat, we want to invite you to be a part of it. It’s going to be nothing short of amazing.

With love and appreciation,



Wake-up calls


Focus lost, focus found