Seeking and Sanctuary

“All over the world men and women ground down by the soulless cultural systems of today are crying out for the return of the banished age of beauty and enlightenment. All the world is seeking happiness, but knows not in what direction to search. Men must learn that happiness crowns the soul’s quest for understanding. Only through the realization of infinite goodness and infinite accomplishment can the peace of the inner Self be assured.”  — Manly P. Hall

I read this quote today in a book I picked up off the shelf in my sanctuary at home. I was really struck in particular by the line, “All the world is seeking happiness, but knows not in what direction to search.” While this line was written in a book from the early 1900’s, it is still true for many of us today. We simply want to feel better and find happiness in some form. 

It’s the thing I really love about the concept of creating a space of sanctuary for ourselves in the midst of this busy, bustling world — it can be a path to feeling better and finding happiness. If you are new to the concept of sanctuary, I want to assure you that while yes, I am an interior designer, you do not need to be or even have an interior designer to create sanctuary for yourself and your family. It’s more about investing energy into your surroundings, developing daily practices and nurturing our well-being than it is about having a room that is ready for a magazine photo shoot. It’s an intensely personal experience and sanctuary looks different for everyone.

Does that mean that we can’t do sanctuary wrong? Why yes, it does. 

And how exactly does one get started, you might ask? 

It’s as simple as deciding (with intention) to create a special space just for yourself and then claiming it. In the act of claiming a physical space around you for your own, personal use has the mirror effect of helping you claim a figurative space INSIDE you as well. That inner space is where peace, harmony and equilibrium reside — our inner sanctuary. The creation of that inner sanctuary is actually the goal of the entire exercise, but I am getting ahead of myself. 

To lay out the exact steps, in order, for creating sanctuary for yourself or anyone you know, it goes like this:

  1. Set an Intention — decide you are going to create a sanctuary and feel that YES when you search inside for direction.

  2. Claim the Space — take a few minutes to walk around your house or garden or office, seeking a place for yourself. It can be any space at all from a small closet to a whole room. It can be inside or outside, as long as you can spend time there (preferably alone), every single day. That is the key. To nurture ourselves we need the space and time to do it. You can also claim a space that is within another space — the corner of a bedroom, a desk in your kitchen, the end of your living room sofa. It can also be a space that allows you to monitor the activities of the house if you have small children. My own sanctuary space has grown and changed as my own children moved out — I always felt the need to be stationed right in the middle of everything just to keep the household on track and supervised. (Remember: you can’t get this wrong and you can change and morph the space as you move forward in your life — think of this as an experiment). 

  3. Appoint the Space — make a list of things you want to do (or perhaps do already) or try out as you develop daily rituals that will be at the heart of your sanctuary practice. Maybe you want to do something like read in your space, light a candle, write, paint, cook, garden, snuggle your dog, meditate, pray, or do yoga. It can be any activity as long as it nurtures you and makes you feel good as a result. (Note: watching tv or scrolling through our phones doesn’t really count as a nurturing activity). After that list is done, think about what you need in your space to allow you do that activity. Maybe it’s a reading chair and a soft rug or a meditation shawl, a desk or a shelf of books. Be abundant. Dream. Then fill your space with those items that will make your activities easy and convenient. 

  4. Spend Time in your Space — try to do something in your new space every day. You may even want to work out a special time that you are usually there, like in the morning before you get going for the day or in the evening before you go to bed.  

That’s it? YES!

If you follow these fun, easy, simple steps, you will have begun a journey that is going to change your life in very good, measurable, powerful ways. This is the way in. 

This is the way (thank you Mandalorian). 

I want to hear and see what you’re up to.  Comment here about your sanctuary or send me a message. You can also join our Sanctuary Collective group on Facebook which is a great place to connect with other lovers of sanctuary.  Next week I’ll share the next steps — the beauty of sanctuary, once we harness it, unfolds in our lives with blessings upon blessings upon blessings. I think you’ll love it!

With buckets of love and gratitude,



Service and Sanctuary


Surrender and Sanctuary