Sanctuary is power.

How many times have you slept, but not felt like you've rested?

How many times have you gone on vacation, but came back more tired than when you left?

Have you ever felt that bone-deep exhaustion that borders on complete burn-out?

If you've read any of the stories that I have shared on this blog, you know that I have dealt with these questions multiple times in my life, even after that one transcendent morning when the word "sanctuary" with all of it's glorious implications seemed to land in my heart like a bird alighting on a branch.

On that day my family was in crisis, my daughter’s epilepsy was emerging, and my business was in trouble. Suddenly this wonderful word was whispered into my ear and I began to discover the power of creating a space of physical, mental, and spiritual healing.

Here’s a ninja-level tip:

When we create a space for ourselves with intention, fill it with artifacts of our lives that remind us of our highest state of being, and consciously bathe it in the love that we all have in us, we are creating what is, in effect, a battery pack for our soul. In using our sanctuary space and spending time there, we are re-charging the sanctuary’s battery so it can re-charge our personal battery.

When the world has depleted and drained our energy, when we are exhausted emotionally, physically, and mentally, we find ourselves alone in our sanctuary. We start to notice those objects that we placed there with such intention. The light, the candles, the plants, the crystals, the natural elements that bring in the textures and colors of nature will all start to come to our aid. By plugging in, we find ourselves starting to power back up! We rejuvenate, literally cared for and nourished by the very environment that we created.

Before long we notice that our thoughts and energies are again focused on the deeper, more sustaining truths of our lives. We notice how those challenges that have depleted our energies are either temporary and unimportant, or connected to our larger values, our deeper truths. Gratitude might even peek its beautiful head in to greet us.

This is re-energizing. This is our soul repairing itself, sewing itself back together in the safety of our sanctuary.

Sanctuary is our secret weapon in the world today — our battery pack that will recharge us again and again, for the rest of our lives. How amazing is that?! It’s everything.

This is a path to resilience, to rejuvenation, and it is your key to unlock our personal power. When our batteries are recharged with our sanctuary practice, we bring that inner fountain of energy to our families, our communities, and to the world at large.

And THAT is the power of sanctuary. It’s there for you, whenever you need it. I hope you find this offers some light and hope this holiday season.

With love and gratitude,



A Meditation on Gratitude