Reclaiming Our Natural State of Being

“People today do not know how to rest. They fill their free time with countless diversions. People cannot tolerate even a few minutes of unoccupied time. They have to turn on the TV or pick up a newspaper, reading anything at all, even the advertisements. They constantly need something to look at, listen to, or talk about, all to keep the emptiness inside from rearing its terrifying head.” — Thich Nhat Hanh

When I read this quote this week, I stopped dead in my tracks. Thich Nhat Hanh called me out. 

I have forgotten how to rest. 

And while I fill my free time with mostly work and school these days (meaning, by things that feel important), I am seeing that this level of activity and required output in my life is just not sustainable. Frankly, it’s exhausting. Business is good and so the demands on my time and schedule ratchet up. I get to the end of of this spring semester in my master’s degree work and presentations and final papers are due. I am up until past midnight every night, reading, researching and writing. 

And if it’s not that, I’m sketching tile drawings, answering emails and pouring over my calendar trying to find a few extra minutes to squeeze in another meeting next week. What happened to living a life of sanctuary, awareness, and resilience? 

Honestly, I slip from time to time. 

Maybe this happens to you too. 

I temporarily forget the tenants of sanctuary that I know to be true. I tumble down the slippery slope of busy-ness and run around like a chicken with my head cut off until that level of frantic activity becomes my new normal. 

And then I realize I don’t actually feel good inside myself. I have lost my inner sense of harmony and that understanding that everything is working out for the best, exactly as it should. 

I would like to stop moving at this pace and feel better. 

I would like to get back to prioritizing what is truly important (rest being one of those things) and reign my crazy bits back in. Breathe. Find my sense of presence in this moment. Regain a healthier perspective and settle into sanctuary. 

Being busy as a habit or using it as a status to describe myself is just not resonating now that I’m looking more closely at myself and my state of mind. How many times a day are we asked how we are and we respond by saying, BUSY? 

What does that even mean, really? “I’ve lost my sense of myself and gotten caught up in doing too many things,” is a more truthful answer. 

Maybe by clearing a few little block of time in my overly-scheduled days I can find again that quiet inside, embrace it, and be one with it. THAT is our natural state of being — our authentic self. It’s time to once again access that inner sanctuary where true balance, peace and harmony live. 

So before I pick back up on my work to finish that 20 page paper due on Monday, I am going to go back into my study and meditate for a few minutes. I’m going to set a reminder to take a walk this afternoon and tune into my body. Yes, that. It’s a good start. 

Are you finding yourself rushing around and filling your time until it’s so full that you can barely find time to take care of your basic needs? I have a feeling I’m not the only one. I’d love to hear what you do to pull yourself back to center. 

With love and gratitude,



Sanctuary, Rose and Watercolors


Sanctuary and Belonging