It’s Always the Right Time to be Kind

So lately I’ve been obsessed with this animal rescue organization called The Asher House on the west coast. Lee Asher pops up in my social media feed and is featured in these videos that are both heartwarming and heartbreaking, showing dogs that he has rescued from various, mostly horrifying situations.

He is one of those people that just emanates kindness and love. It oozes out of him and the dogs pick up on it immediately. Even the scared ones, the angry ones, the ones with the broken spirits. He crouches down, croons to them in a soft voice and they simply cannot resist. Their innate curiosity takes over and they are compelled to sniff his hand and peer into his face.

Who ARE you, their inquisitive looks seem to say.

Will you save me?

The dogs can’t resist the lure of affection, of love, of a soft, warm touch. I don’t think any of us can, honestly. We all are lured by kindness, by the possibility and promise of unconditional love.

After living with my two funny pups, Maggie and Max, I know first-hand that dogs are just little factories of love. They exist for affection, for treats, and to lick any arm or leg within reach. They have no agenda, no prejudices, no ulterior motives. They want only to love and to be loved.

There is a lesson here for me. Maybe for you too.

It’s always the right time to be kind. There is always a call for affection. There is no greater calling than to love unconditionally. And when we can set ourselves aside for the moment and really show up in the full power of divine love and kindness, miracles happen.

Souls are mended.

Hearts are eased.

Smiles happen.

We relax. Both the giver and the receiver of that love breathe deeply, maybe for the first time all week. That kind of love is a gift to everyone on both sides of the equation.

I don’t know where you are as you read this, but know that I am sending a bright, shining bubble of love your way. And if you can feel that, maybe you’ll pass it along to someone in your world today.

This is sanctuary in action, living the truth of peace, harmony and balance.

With love and gratitude,



Sanctuary’s Time Has Come


It’s the Little Things